Luca uses this, as do many Italians. It's a convenient home kitchen espresso machine. Moreover, it brews up a tasty espresso when you don't want to spend $500 plus on a quality true espresso machine. I found this at E-mart for about 46,000 Won (currently about $37 USD). It's great!!! Fuels me up for the day! :D Highly recommend for anyone out there that likes a strong shot of coffee!

Next, recently I converted my MTB into a Single Speed (SS), that means only one gear in the back. I found the conversion parts online, had them shipped to my sister in COlorado and she in turn sent it my way to S.Korea.....Single Speed is still a new idea here, although there is a Fixed Gear community mainly consisting in Seoul.
I decided to use a 32t x 17t for my gear ratio. So far, so good. It's definitely a challenge for some of the steep climbs here, but such a hoot!! Makes the already qaulity single track that much more interesting.
The pic above is after my first SS ride. It was a muddy one! :D

a close up of the single cog, spacer kit and the singleator tension device. pretty clean set-up for a normal geared MTB frame and hub....

a close up of my manitou MRD R7 80mm suspension fork with my Polar sensor.

the front end....so simple and clean looking (despite the mud) without shifters. i LIKE it! :D
I love riding my bicycle!
thinking back to when I decided to come to South Korea, I feel pretty fortunate to have landed in Bundang, just 30 minutes south of Seoul with stellar MTB riding!!!
Be back soon, so stay tuned!!!
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