The leaves are off the trees, so enjoy the few pics below of the last images of beautiful fall foliage.
Near Seohyeon Station, an outdoor amphitheater. Looking forward to some music in the spring/summer so I can jam out to some Korean tunes.
I was out and about shopping and noticed the window washers. Pretty tall building with pretty little safety. Where's the OSHA rated harness fellas? Instead you see a swing-set seat attached to the rappelling line....hmmm.... The boyz at WCS (Wireless Construction Services) would get a kick out of that.....
This is interesting. I have noticed outside of many small restaurants, tanks of various sea creatures waiting to be eaten by humans...check out the Octopus. I hear a delicacy is eating smaller octopus's while the are still alive. You have to be careful not to let the suction cups attach to you tongue or throat....I may give it a try. :)
Outside of the restaurant, edible sea life in the aquariums.
Always checking out maps. Excited for this Friday 11/30 thru Monday 12/3, no classes. I will be venturing out on some solo exploring mtb rides. From the rides that I have done, I think I will be finding some more incredible single track that Bundang has to offer.
Going to lunch with my language exchange partner. What a nice traditional place.....
Loving the food here. All about the Well Being. Many flavorful side dishes.
YES...this is a Dunkin' Donuts. Probably one of the best one's that you'll ever step foot in. You would not believe the atmosphere. Nice place for Korean Study.
Check it out.......As you can see, I enjoying hanging out here. Although, not to worry, the donuts are staying in the display is about moderation.....
They do brew up some decent coffee. last, my first experience of a snowfall in South Korea. Really enjoyable walk home from work.....the iPod was on and i was "singing in the snow"
A premonition of the holiday that is just around the corner.
One morning.....the mini fish market on wheels......"get your fresh fish here"
Local fruit and vegetable market. Gotta love the availability of fruits and vegi's.
Another nice meal....grilling up some beef tips. With the many side dishes, sure to be a tasty meal. I am holding a bamboo cup in which rice was delivered in. The hint of bamboo flavor made the rice tasty. the green leaves are used as a wrap for the meat and the sides. Delicious!
Insadong, an area of Seoul. This person is taking a swing at the making of super sticky rice paste. Interesting. Many uses of rice.
An archery set....Koreans are know for their archery skills....many Olympic medals have been won.
A Buddhist temple in the Insadong area, called "Jogyesa". I am thinking of doing a temple stay for a day or two. Sounds very interesting....for a little meditation, soul searching, checking in with the inner being....
Back to the Seoul Museum of Art. Van Gogh has arrived. Very nice display, although it was opening day, a bit stuffy, but quite enjoyable.
Here's a photo of Hyo jeong, my language exchange partner and friend. Her English name is Iris, hence the background.
Afterwards, we walked to a locals secret stash where you can eat Mackerel and drink Makolli, a milky white rice wine. Too much can make for a terrible hangover...
Diggin' into the Mackerel....
Makolli, you drink from a small bowl, with two hands, and it's served in a large bowl, similar to a dog bowl. I wondered how many Makolli's this silver bowl has served over the years, countless! Good times....good times....
Well that's all for now......see you soon!
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