Started off with an early Saturday morning trip to Incheon airport. While checking in I asked if I could get upgraded and the kind Korea lady said there are a few options. So, I opted to give up my seat or get bumped up to business class. When the time came, they changed my flight from United to Asiana and gave me a voucher and time to hang out in the First class lounge area, which ended up to be quite relaxing. :) AND Asiana is by far a nice way to travel the friendly skies. we go. I had such a great time visiting friends and family in the US.

as I arrived to Incheon, I needed some breakfast, I decided on a dopio espresso and a apple strudel like pastry from Paris Croissant.

Landing in Chicago taking the rail to another terminal to catch my flight to Buffalo...I noticed some Flags blowing in he wind...couldn't help but notice the South Korean flag.

In Chicago I was super stoked to get some American FOOD! After looking around, I found this nice little sandwich shop....freshly cut Pastrami Rueben on rye. WOW....was it delicious! You just can't find a good sandwich in Korea. And what better place to be in than Chicago for a tasty sammy!

Wish I had time to catch a show...This looks good!

Buffalo here I come! :D Last year when I went to the Homeland, I flew directly to Colorado, so it's been two years since I've been to my home town of Ellicottville NY, i must say i was very excited!
OK...the pictures may be in random order and there will be quite a please get comfy!

My dad's latest hobby....restoring old VW bugs.

cleaning up an engine...

the current project...excited to see the finished product!

This is the first restore...looks great! 1974 VW Super Beetle convertible.

mirrored image...

love the color!

took a ride up to Holimont. Another one of my father's many accomplishments in life. He did a great job with building up Holimont Private Ski Club to everything it is today!

nice lodge.....

The Trail map of Holimont. What a great way to grow up. Skiing all the time, as much as possible. Since my father managed "ran" the mountain and my mother managed "ran" the office. Thank you MOM and DAD for giving me a great childhood!

Stylin' ride!

A view of some of Holimont's slopes.

While I was in town there was a car show, we check it out..

Visited my good friend Michael and his family. And all of his land in the background. He definitely has a great piece of property.

Always nice to connect and hang out with long time friends.

My parents place...grew up here, and my father and mother built this place from the ground up.

morning sunrise...since my time zone was all messed up i was up at different hours, and i really didn't mind it!

having some traditional slovenian breakfast, "Cornmeal Zganci"

my father playing the trombone, just one of the instruments he can play well.

This is funny, today's skis on the left and my first skis on the right.... :D father and I started are road trip west. Destination..COLORADO. My mother is already there at my sister's house. I wanted to take a photo of each state, but didn't happen. We ended up stopping at OSU in Columbus to visit a Korean friend who is studying there. She made my father and I a traditional Korean meal. It was delicious, and my dad enjoyed it. :) No pics....Bummer, because I left the camera in the car.

Driving through the US.....such a LARGE country. Amazed at the vastness after living in S.Korea.

abandoned train.....

close up B&W

Farmland.....heading into Colorado!

Wide open road....

Well made it to Colorado.....

One of my few trips to Boulder....Had to visit one of my favorite restaurants. SHERPA'S

Tasty tandori chicken, nann, and sagg.

Visited a good friend Rachel....had a great time catching up.

must say, looking pretty stylin' LOL!

Walking around Boulder, one of the hot spots, great music venue.

While at my sister's of the two kittens decided to puke on my MacBook. I was a bit furious at first...i think due to jet lag!!!

The view from their home east of Colorado Springs...the mountains are in the clouds....

my adorable nieces Paige and Kieran. To my surprise my other sister Heidi and her two kiddos gave us a surprised visit. Great Family reunion.

the 4 kiddos....nieces and nephews...L-R...Mark, Paige, Kieran, John

Pikes Peak, one of Colorado's "54" 14,ooo ft. peaks.

My sister and her family's house nearby Colorado Springs. Great place, New Mexico style...

a shack on the their land....

some yucca, flowers, another shack and beautiful views.....

B&W of Paige...

the kiddos....exploring around the land...

high altitude desert like terrain....

Kieran and John at the Garden of the Gods...Colorado Springs

Mom and Dad at the Garden of the Gods....

B&W of Mom and Dad

the whole crew minus Pete...he couldn;t make the trip out...

Mark and his new Harley, and my GSX-R 1000

Garden of the Gods...such a spectacular place...

Moms and their kids...


Houses designed to blend in...

my sister's...

First time together in a while

family photo...

had to get some Mexican food while in Colorado...

Ahh...chips and salsa

Taco, Tostada, and Enchilada..

Chili Relleno and Enchilada.... my choice...

daughter and mother....

Kieran in action...i think she takes after her mother ;)

B&W of Kieran

more action...

B&W of me :)

my new kayak for S.Korea..Bliss-Stick SCUD. just the right size to fit in my apartment.

my brother-in-law frying a turkey....

John stylin' on the scooter

showing off his skills

first time on a skateboard for Paige.

skater girls..

B&W the little shredders

Early celebration of Kierans birthday...

had to pull up the socks for this one...hahaha!

Seven Falls, Colorado Springs..

climbing up a steep set of stairs to check out the view...

one of the seven falls....

Mom, Heidi and the kiddos across from dad and I on a look out....

Early celebration of Mark's birthday.....#10

some local C.Springs graffiti

on my way up to a friend's house outside of the springs...i was in my VW, maybe should of been on my Moto GP

the name says it all.....

newborn twin girls....Great to visit Kate and Eric and their 5 day old little ones...

beautiful place...

the view from the deck....Eric and Kate definitely have a piece of paradise.

Back in Boulder....had to visit Whole Foods..a few times :) One place I really miss.

my good friend Chad and I checked out a Korean restaurant in Boulder, definitely good!

BBQ plate and Bi-bim-bop. and yes...Kimchi!

I actually missed Korean food while in the US, so this was a nice decision.

My Mom, Dad, and I took a trip to Gunnison and Crested Butte. The beauty of Colorado....

A few of Colorado's 14,000 ft. peaks in the distance located near Monarch Pass...a long while back I had the chance to hike both of these....Good Times for sure! Lots of good memories in this area of Colorado... :D

Top of Monarch Pass...heading to Gunnison..

Now in Gunnison, we stopped for lunch at the FireBrand....they had an interesting bathroom, so I had to capture this...great theme...TWISTER!

Another great sandwich......just can't find a good sammy in S.Korea...and tasty beer...Definitely one of my favorites...90 Shillings

Now in Crested Butte....out front of 'camp 4 coffee', enjoying a tasty brew.

the best coffee in the Valley.

beautiful time of year to be around Crested Butte....this was taken on Kebler Pass...
the aspens and mountains are so beautiful....

some tall aspens....

It was great to visit Crested Butte and Gunnison as I have lived here for many years and have tons of incredible memories.....AND it was great running into some friends and catching up a bit....well worth the trip!!! :) can't wait to visit again, who knows maybe live in the Valley again?!?

B&W nearby Gothic mountain.....cows grazing on the mountain road

My VW and Gothic Mountain.....

what a view! taking it all in!

small mountain cabin nearby Gothic

Nice capture of Mt. Crested Butte (need to get back here to ski, skied here from 1991-1999)

what do you think??

great burrito place in Crested Butte...

mom and dad....

me in Crested Butte.....

took this picture for my friend Izzy, a Korean girl who is now studying at OSU

Downtown Crested season, nice and quiet time to be here.

more of downtown Crested Butte...Red Lady bowl in the distance...

the moon and mt. crested butte....

nearby Gunnison, almost captured the full rainbow...

Taylor River of the old stomping grounds for kayaking, rock climbing and Mountain Biking....

heading back to the Front Range...going over Cottonwood Pass...

the VW got a bit dirty from the the pass, mud and snow :)

Stopped by CKS for some goodies to bring back to S.Korea...

nearby was a nice local coffee shop....always up for a tasty brew!

relaxing in a hammock outside of CKS...

On the way back to C.Springs, had to stop for some photos of a buffalo herd.

B&W herd of buffalo

back to Boulder again....after a night out with the kayak crew, i met up with a good friend for breakfast at Dushanbe Tea House

Patrick and his BMW R1200 GS

very tasty breakfast...great choice Patrick....

Inside the Tea House....
Well....that's it, I had such a great time visiting friends and family. A big thanks to everyone that I saw, I just wish I had more time to visit and see everyone else. Definitely miss everyone and everything that the US has to offer. As for now, I'm excited to be spending another year in S.Korea. Many more adventures to come!
so............STAY TUNED !!!
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