Luca and I stopped at a service station for some Gangwondo potatoes and couldn't help but notice a beautiful Korean girl....
korean guy is thinking, "yep...that's my girl!"
Menu above....a little to earlier for the choices....
Arriving in Misan, we had to stop by and see our friends....the River Bugs!
Map of the Misan area....
This is actually part of a system for spring water.....Cool!
Maybe we should River Bug today!!! Looks like fun.....but...we'll stick to our kayaks.....
the River is still at a higher level than usual..should be fun!
Loading up the Volvo.....
Topo map of the Misan Valley...There is a creek just to the right of Chimseokbang Mtn. This will be one of our First D's.....
A pile of Zucchini.....
Getting ready at the put~in....
Good play level today....clear high water....Here I am surfing it up!!!
This is Kookin (Korean Kayaker)......
Luca getting some action.....
Taking a rest and checking out our creek (First Descent)...a bit too low today...
Masked fisherman...not sure why....clean air, sunny day...hmmmm...Koreans......?!?
Howdy there!?!
Nice flow today....
Luca practicing his BOOF!!

Now....that's some whitewater....(Photo is a bit too bright)
Kookin in the middle of Triple Drop....
That's a big hole....
BIG hole at the top of Triple Drop.....
Jiho (Korean Kayaker) almost slipped into the big hole....
Jiho lining up for a boof.....
Jiho....missed his boof and got "Rocketed to the Moon"

Me....going deep, if you look close, you can just see the yellow blade of my paddle...

That's me giving a little Colorado style.....
Luca resurfacing....Look at his face expression!!!
Nice line Luca......
Yes....it was a good day on the rio!!
Looking back up at the last rapid....
Luca and I talked about taking photo's of all the Korean Kayakers....
This is Kookin.....
This is Jiho.....
At the take out....Such a perfect day!!
the Project 62....
Jiho's Wave Sport "diesel 65"
Dinner before heading back to Seoul.....
Nice sunflower.....
See you soon!!!!
1 comment:
That's my GiRL~~~ ^____^;;;
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