Just received this photo...the Yeowool Kayak Club in S.Korea. This about 1/3 of the active whitewater kayakers in S.Korea. I am the 3rd one in from the left in the green kayak....Cool pic, this was at the Put-in of the Hantan-gang. Great group of outdoor enthusiasts. Kayaking is going to a good way to explore more of this country. I will be able to experience many places around the peninsula.

Time for the Ceremony....

Everyone bowing.....check out the little dude in the green jacket....Future Korean Kayaker....learning the traditional way....

The Group.....Ready to head to the Put-in.....

Action shot.....performing a small ender in the WaveSport EZG 50.......

This is a aerial view Misan Creek. Looks like fun....Excited to check it out.....

The Hantan-gang at a high flow...found this on one of the Korean Kayaker's photo page....
Ahhh.....BIG WATER FUN!!!!
Walking to work the other day and noticed some nice puffy clouds among the apartment buildings.....It's not that often that we see clouds like this.....so, taking it in!!
Ahh..springtime color.....
Blooming....all around us....
Still have a few days to peak.....nice walk to work, appreciating city life!
Until next time.........
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