Thanks to all of you who have taken the time to view my blog and see what I have been up to. I will continue to keep you posted throughout 2009.
The last of 2008.....
...Back in Time.....
As I was walking to Freshness Burger this past Sunday....I noticed this farmer cruising down the main road in Jeongja.
Freshness Burger's teriyaki chicken and onion rings....pretty tasty when you are craving western food, and it's at a decent price. There's only so much Kimchi a westerner can eat! :)
Ah...Italian salame.....Luca's mom sent some and he was generous enough to give me some. Amazing how some things can be so precious, when you are so far from home!
Before work snack...very delicious and simple!
a Korean couple looking off at the domino apartment buildings near Central Park in Bundang....
Central Park....
The yellow of Ginkgo trees.....
fall colors of Bundang...
Japanese maple trees....along a bike/walking path through Central Park...
mint green domino's
the path to Yuldong Park and the Mountains for MTB riding...
Korean Freestylin'
Some Korean traditional stick game...50-80 yr. olds having fun!
Cotton Candy anyone?
Gate near Dongdaemun Market.....
Filipino Sausage...
Visiting the Filipino area of Seoul....this is a street market on the way to finding a restaurant...
a look at some Filipino food....not bad, but a bit heavy feeling...definitely some interesting dishes...this was only a few of the dishes...
heron in flight over the Tancheon near my neighborhood....
check this out....yes there really are 4...2 of each! Fluffy meet Skinny...
barrels of's that time of year to make Kimchi. These ladies are hard at work!
A traditional drummer playing a beat in Seoul...
Winter street food...
after a morning mist on my rose plant...
Gomi's last weekend in S.Korea....
Our friend Kevin's father...
Kevin and Llyod
Raw bar at Namdaemun market...
food delivery...
One of the Many Camera shops near Namdaemun....My friend Erin was looking for a new lens.
trying to stay warm on a cold day in the city. these guys were stringing up lights at the Buddhist Temple in downtown Seoul....
Uzbekistan dumplings....
Uzbekistan lamb stuffed bread...
the Seoul post office....
I didn't know that Santa played the Sax! Check out the Santa Climber on the Gold Beaded string...
Homeless (?)
December 2008's Full Moon....
Bundled up walking through the park....
Paduck....a Korean Traditional Board Game....
Some Apartments in my neighborhood....
Ahh....more Uzbekistan we have lamb stuffed cabbage and peppers, one of my favorites...
just a few trees lit up for the holidays...
Sunae Park Golf course.....
New development, well new 'City' going in across the Tancheon near Bundang....
B&W of Sunae and Jeongja in Bundang....
Heron in flight....need to work on my wildlife action shots...
Don't mess with Bruce Lee...
Focused on a txt msg, still not as fast as my elementary students...they don't even have to look at the key pad...
Luca's prosciutto.....very delicious...
not just some slices...but a whole leg!
covering it up for the night.....
View of the Seoul Tower from Luca's living room....
Jeongja's Daily King Diner's "Philly"...another western craving...
A cold morning in Jeongja.....
a pack of ducks lokking for breakfast...taking a dive....
Well....that's all....See you Next Year.....HAPPY NEW YEAR 2009!!!!!